There’s no denying how COVID has affected our everyday walk in life, but one thing is for certain: at some point, we are going to recover and get back to some sense of normalcy. So what does that mean for the medical sales world? Well, I admit that I am a “glass is half full” kind of guy, and I say that the 2021 hiring season will be exceptionally strong. Our group has been in contact with many companies (especially in the startup world) whose management team is gearing up for a strong rebound. There are simply too many companies that rely on face to face interaction between sales representatives and clinicians, ( rather than Zoom) and many Venture Capital groups who have invested heavily in new technologies are looking for a quick return. Based on our volume of search assignments, I can say that this is true.
Having said this, I will contend that if you are thinking of “turning it in” for the rest of the year, you are making a major mistake. Companies are gearing up for 2021, and they are starting to interview NOW! Going all out in your job search now is a major advantage because your competition is going to diminish. People are either giving up or just want to relax and enjoy the Holidays. You should be sending your resume to at least five sources per day: Search Firms, ( hopefully us), Regional Sales Managers, good job boards, CEOS of startups, and Venture Capitalists themselves. Five a day equals 25 per week which equals 100 a month. By doing so, you have increased your chances significantly!
Some other things to consider: companies in a recession ( or a pandemic) are looking for revenue generators to get them out of the doldrums, so you need to illustrate your successes on your resume (Not contest wins!). You need to present meaningful, eye popping accomplishments. And when you interview- display a positive attitude. Decision makers LOVE to hire people who can handle adversity with a positive outlook!
We have the resources and industry experience to help you create a resume that is teeming with accomplishments, and we offer a service that can assist you in preparing for an interview. Please do not hesitate to call us. Above all, stay positive, stay energized, and keep loving your family and friends!