Remember To Speak Up
If you answer to a recruiter’s posting, remember that your recruiter is your conduit to an interview. As mentioned before, most recruiters serve as the first step in the interview process, and failing to impress the recruiter means that it is highly unlikely that you will get your foot in the door. Now I have seen some great backgrounds on paper and will call those candidates with great anticipation- but nothing turns me off than a candidate who is lifeless, boring, and dull. Recruiters want to proudly represent candidates who exert energy, animation, and professionalism, and nothing kills that quicker than a candidate who does not speak up nor shows enthusiasm on the phone.
Many medical managers conduct phone interviews based on our recommendations, and we simply cannot endorse candidates who will potentially sound lifeless on the phone with our client managers. My advice to all candidates is simple- speak up, speak enthusiastically, and show some interest. If you are calling from an area where you cannot speak clearly and freely, send an e-mail to the recruiter indicating a time where it would be most convenient for you. Make the most of that initial call if you want to forge a relationship that will be mutually satisfying! Please feel free to call us at any time- your opinions and comments are most welcome.
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