Unfortunately we all have emergencies in life. It is something we all face, and something we have to deal with. Often enough, the “Family Emergency” excuse comes up as a means of getting out of an interview, or deciding not to take a position. It is a convenient way of isolating oneself from criticism, and allows that person to “defend” pushback by saying, “What kind of manager or recruiter are you that you can’t understand that my family comes first!” But the “Family Emergency” often comes with this caveat: “But if you come up with something else, please let me know.” Whew- off the hook!
Look, I realize that there are bona fide emergencies. But when a candidate uses that excuse, and the next week answers an ad on LinkedIn or Med Reps, it does arouse suspicions.
Do yourself and hiring managers and recruiters a favor. If you don’t want a position, or are having second thoughts, just SAY SO! You will garner more respect, and will likely get calls for other positions. And it would allow candidates that have TRUE FAMILY EMERGENCIES to deal with their issue and get back in the interview process. Most managers will understand. But don’t cry wolf – it demeans the people who really, truly have emergencies.
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